Mighty Llamas Mighty Llamas 49 265.5 28.0 4 33000000.0 8250000.0
Hell's Gambit Hell's Gambit 42 234.0 24.5 4 9590000.0 2397500.0
Brain Storm Brain Storm 233 220.2 27.6 5 24207500.0 4841500.0
The Thrill The Thrill 64 210.3 26.4 5 21475000.0 4295000.0
Raw Meat Raw Meat 95 205.0 22.7 6 20992500.0 3498750.0
Brigden Bombers Brigden Bombers 88 198.7 28.6 5 22975000.0 4595000.0
Frightning Dead Things Frightning Dead Things 72 193.5 26.0 4 19092500.0 4773125.0
Nashcity Nashcity 73 172.4 24.2 5 12350000.0 2470000.0
Sleepers Sleepers 133 171.0 26.6 5 19625000.0 3925000.0
Scrub Squad Scrub Squad 134 145.7 26.8 5 10557500.0 2111500.0
Thor's Thunder Thor's Thunder -11 129.0 29.2 5 23224999.0 4645000.0
Red Army Red Army 113 127.7 27.5 6 16715000.0 2785833.0
J & A Experience J & A Experience 53 122.9 30.5 4 20500000.0 5125000.0
Lame Ducks Lame Ducks -61 81.0 23.5 4 8007500.0 2001875.0